

I come from a family of pack rats, and I am afraid that, even though I was an adopted child, I learned that trait from my adoptive family. (Somehow, my biological sister, raised in the same home, escaped that trait).

The house we live in was built by my parents in 1949. My maternal grandparents lived with us while I was growing up. When my mother died, we purchased my sister's half interest in the home. The house and attic were filled with my parents' and grandparents' collections.

Before we moved into my family home, I was collecting my own stuff. My husband and I married in 1969, and I converted him into being a collector.

When we got ready to remodel the family home, I spent three years going through all of the accumulated collections in the house. Sadly, I found very little that I could throw away.

That is how we ended up with three generations of collections in our home.

Although I've tried to put things away and not display them, I guess I have become too comfortable living with a lot of "stuff", and I'm always uncomfortable if there is an empty spot in my home, so I end up bring everything back out!

It's a disease, and I can't seem to find a cure. Of course, it's more likely that I'm not looking for a cure!

Thanks for your interest. laurie


Anonymous said...

I love your collections-you have a real talent in the art of displaying them..and you use them also! Your house is a memory-evoking house and your grandchildren are so blessed to come visit..Susie

The Tablescaper said...


Although I've been on your blog many times, I've never read this post. I love that you're not looking for a cure!

- The Tablescaper

Sarah said...

Laurie, I've never noticed this on your sidebar until this morning. I agree with Susie, you treasure these bits and pieces and use them with joy. I think it's wonderful that someone appreciates these collections, and you've built in perfect spaces in your home to enjoy them. ~ Sarah